Meet Dr. Samantha Pagano, MD at Nova Patient Care in Virginia
Dr. Samantha Pagano, MD is a general practitioner with experience in Primary Care, Urgent Care, and General surgery. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Woodbridge VA, Falls Church VA, Pentagon City VA, Arlington VA, Kingstowne Center VA, Richmond Hwy Alexandria VA, and Alexandra VA.

Dr. Samantha Pagano, MD
Table of Contents:
What is the professional background of Samantha Pagano, MD?
What is the educational background of Samantha Pagano, MD?
What are the hobbies of Dr. Samantha Pagano?
Is Samantha Pagano, MD accepting new patients?
Dr. Pagano is a general practitioner with experience in Primary Care, Urgent Care, and General surgery.
She attended Virginia Tech and graduated in 2011 with degrees in both Biological Sciences and Psychology. After receiving her undergraduate degree, she continued her studies at Virginia Commonwealth University and obtained a Post-Baccalaureate Graduate Certificate in Pre-medical Health Sciences in 2012. That same year, she was accepted to the Medical College of Virginia (MCV)/Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and earned her Medical Degree, M.D. in 2016. After receiving her medical degree, she completed a General Surgery Internship in 2017 at VCU Health. Dr. Pagano has since gone on to practice medicine in the fields of both primary and urgent care.
Dr. Pagano enjoys spending time with her dog, tennis, and other outdoor activities.
Yes, Samantha Pagano, MD is accepting new patients.